21 April 2014
Actively manage the financial resources that you have today!
He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.
Luke 16:10-12 NKJV
Make it a point to actively use a spending plan for directing and tracking your expenditures each month.

A spending plan is a pre-spending written account of all household expenditures for the month. Creating this plan before the funds are spent introduces self-directed accountability of how, when and where every dollar is that is entrusted to you is spent. Tracking your actual spending against the plan is a crucial step. Lessons that you learn from your spending reality will be used in creating future monthly spending plans.
Don't have a spending plan? In the spirit of Financial Literacy, there are several options available to help you to rectify this and begin managing to a spending plan with very little effort. One of these resources is from the site Money Management International. Take a look at it here
Everything belongs to God and we are stewards of His resources. We must consistently pass the test of being a good steward of what we have today before we will be entrusted with more. As the scripture implies, what you’re doing with the money that you have today will be what you would do if you had more. Be a faithful steward and manage every penny that you have today and get ready because more is on the way!
