I’m excited to join Ralph and Shelia Green as they host The Marriage Talk Show, a weekly Christian radio show on the Fishbowl Radio Network. On this week’s show we will talk all things marriage and money.
Ralph and Shelia are armed with a passion for empowering couples in an effort to end the trend of increasing divorce rates in Christian marriages. They focus on teaching couples to become one in God in their marriage. This week’s topic: Money. We promise that every listener will be encouraged and walk away with information that can lead to transformation In the way you handle money. I’m excited to join the show this week and I’d love for you to join us by listening and calling in to be a part of the discussion!
The show airs every Saturday from 9 AM – 11 AM Central Time and I will be an in-studio guest on 10/8/2016. You can listen to the show in the “red” stream at
www.fbrn.us. Call into the show by dialing
Looking forward to having you join us in the discussion!