24 October 2015
Make Plans to Attend the Money reVerse Financial Workshop - Saturday November 7, 2015
Hosted by First Unity Fellowship Church in Spring, Texas
Free Workshop! Register today!

Saturday November 7, 2015 9 AM - Noon
First Unity Fellowship Church5110 Louetta Road
Spring, TX 77379
Bishop M. Bernard Boyd & Lady P, Pastors
We're in the home stretch for the year 2015... It's close but it's not over. If you have a goal to improve your finances in 2015 this workshop is for you!
By the end of this 3 hour workshop you will be educated and empowered to close out the year with strong and solid financial practices. The following 4 tracks will be covered in this workshop 1. Setup A Spending Plan For Your Household. All participants will receive the Money reVerse spending plan workbook. In this session we will demonstrate how to use this spending plan workbook to manage and track household income and spending. Take away from this session enablement to take control and effectively manage your personal finances! 2. Take The Savings Challenge! Learn the biblical principles and practical ways to establish and maintain a savings plan for your household. Take the First Unity savings challenge and increase your savings by $1,378 in one year. Don’t have any savings now? This is your chance to get started - NOW!! 3. Get a World Financial Events Update. As Christians, we prepare to influence the world by first understanding what’s going on in the world. In this session we will go through the details of a current financial event so that all will have a better understanding. Topic will be one that is in our current news…the Greece debt crisis, our US debt ceiling, US energy and oil prices. Financially, you will be more “in the know!” 4. Learn US Stock Market Concepts. You don’t have to be wealthy to invest, but you must invest to be wealthy. Get a market introduction in this primer session. Walk away with a definition of the DOW, NASDAQ and S&P 500 and understand how they are trending now. Don’t know if you have an interest in the financial markets? Sit through this overview and see if your interest is peaked for more! This is a no-cost workshop that is sponsored by First Unity Fellowship Church. Registration is required to attend. Sign up today and I will see you there! It's gonna be great!! Carolyn