04 September 2014
Class offering: 21 Days to Stock Market Investing
No prior stock market knowledge required!
Want to jump into stock market investing to ride the market all-time highs? This Stock Market Basics group is for you! This is an interactive classroom group session designed for those that are starting to learn about the financial markets and trading. There will be a 2.5 hour group meeting held weekly for 3 weeks. Sessions will be held on Monday evenings from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM in Plano, Tx. Note: Distance Learning /Online participation is not available for this class.
Get these investing questions answered in this session
- What are stocks and why should we invest?
- What are market sectors?
- How do I find and analyze potential stock investments?
- How do I open a brokerage account?
- What is my risk personality?
- Why do markets move the way that they do?
- What is the best stock market trading strategy for my risk personality?
- What investing principles are given to us in the Christian Holy Bible?
Here’s what you will get…
- Christian Biblical principles on investing and money management.
- Trading and investing knowledge of stocks, ETFs and Mutual Funds.
- Classroom style instruction with personal attention and take-away materials. No tools or subscriptions to purchase!
- Individual Risk Assessment – understand your personal risk tolerance profile!
- Brokerage firm comparison info – select your brokerage with confidence!
- Practical application weekly homework. Put what you learn into action now!
- 60 days post-session coaching via virtual trading in the real market!
- 12 month access to Money reVerse exclusive investing virtual community!
This is what others are saying about the 21 Days to Stock Market Investing Session
"Very excited learning from the Money reVerse 21 Days to Stock Market Investing session. Life changing for me!” P.S. Fort Worth, TX
"Thank you for sowing into our lives over the past three weeks. May the Lord exponentially bless you to do more for the Kingdom. I have just placed my first order for a mutual fund, using the principles you shared with us." C.M. Plano, TX
The 21 Days to Stock Market Investing group was very empowering and entertaining. Ms. Carolyn makes learning how to trade fun!!” J.B. Dallas, TX
"Your talents and heart continue to bless my household, thank you. As I promote how simply and practically you took us from zero to market capable, I am amazed at how many people don't invest or manage their investments. I thought I was part of a minority. Needless to say, I have several new students for you. Enjoy your season, teacher!" L.C. Carrollton, TX
“Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with us. You made these hard working sessions fun and memorable!!” G.D. Plano, TX
"Well, we did it. Our brains actually learned a lot in your sessions...YIPPEE! We opened and funded our brokerage account today with XYZ firm*. We are off to trading..." B.S - Dallas, TX
*Content adjusted from the original commentary for this publication.
Stay tuned for registration information. Limited spaces per class.
Is this your season for financial elevation???
