08 December 2011
Debt Series: The Christian Biblical Perspective on Debt in 5 Simple Points

This is the beginning of a series that focuses on debt. Personal financial debt.
I will also use scripture to support the Christian principles on practical debt related activities that we operate in daily including fully owning our current financial responsibilities, paying bills in a timely manner and co-signing. The goal of this series is to use biblical scriptures and scenarios to demonstrate God’s point of view on debt.
This includes defining debt, understanding that debt is slavery in God’s eyes and clearly detailing God’s word as it states what will happen to those that don’t follow His word and His commandments.

I’ll also share my personal point of view and testimony on this topic.
As a part of this series I will challenge you to take a look at your current views, practices and conditions when it comes to debt and take steps to begin making adjustments as you deem appropriate. I will offer complimentary worksheets to you to allow you to begin to better manage your personal debt as we work toward operating in a way that better aligns to God’s word.
I pray that through this series, all strongholds concerning financial debt that may be present in your life will be broken in the name of Jesus. I’m praying that you will strengthen your walk with the Lord by asking Him to be your guide for managing your personal finances.
If you would like to receive from the Lord in this area, I’m inviting you to pray this prayer as you prepare to better align with Him in the area of personal financial management:
Father God, I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the head of my life and all that I possess. I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to lead and guide us to all truth. Again, I thank you for leading me to Your truth, guidance and direction on the matter of debt. Lord I pray that as I read and study your word on debt, you will reveal to me those hidden things that are causing me to stumble. Please change me, first on the inside, and remove any lack of understanding and deception that may be a part of my life today in the area of finances and debt. I want to be a faithful steward and let my light shine and represent you in all that I do, including managing money and possessions. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen
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To read my next article in this series Click Here